Presented by
Amra Srdanovic on 27th October, 2016
speaker started her presentation with the introduction of International Monetary
Fund (IMF), which is an organization comprising of 189 member countries created
in 1945 working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial
stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment, sustainable
economic growth and reduce poverty around the world. She mentioned that IMF
ensures the stability of the International Monetary System in three ways;
Surveillance, Lending and Capacity Development. Bhutan had joined IMF on 28th
September, 1981 becoming the 147th member nation.
in Bhutan provides both short and long term Technical Assistance (TA) to the
Royal Government (Article IV consultation), Royal Monetary Authority (RMA),
Ministry of Finance and New South-Asia Regional Technical Training Centre –
SARTTAC (New Delhi). The IMF resident adviser to Bhutan, Ms. Amra Srdanovic at
the request of the Bhutanese government, provides technical assistance to the
Department of Public Accounts (DPA) in the Ministry of Finance on high level
objectives which includes;
1. Improving
the effectiveness of expenditure control and the efficiency with which it is
2. Improving
the quality and timeliness of the financial reporting.
3. Improving
the cash flow forecasting and cash management.
4. Supporting
the execution of budget reforms in so far as they affect DPA’s operations and
5. Supporting
further development/enhancement of the Public Expenditure Management System
informed the student that, currently the government of Bhutan has PEMS in the
process for all government agencies and Government Accounting System Reform
(GASR) with DPA to lead the implementation of the e-payment system reform. The
resident adviser focuses on Public Financial Management (PFM) policies in the
country which helps promote efficient and effective use of the public funds with
appropriate level of control. PFM cycle includes four broad activities;
Resource mobilization, Resource allocation, Resource utilization and Audit and
Reporting. It was shown that Bhutan has always placed greater importance to
Good Governance on principles of accountability, transparency and efficiency. This
principle has helped the country to allocate the resources properly by having
strong planning and budgeting system which translates the five year plan into
sectorial strategies, programs and annual budgets within a rolling three year
fiscal framework. Further, the efficiency in use of resources for service
delivery is assisted by competitive procurement yielding greater value for money.
has helped our country to gain more attention from IMF and Donors in the recent
years with regard to PFM besides Asian Development Bank (ADB) being one active
partner to Bhutan in the areas of macro-fiscal analysis and fiscal risk
management. She also informed that the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) of the
IMF have expanded its PFM TA to the Bhutan with primary focus on macro-fiscal
analysis, budget preparation, cash management and payment systems.
presentation ended with question and answer session.
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