Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Accounting Analysis: Revenue Accounting & Auditing:

Having undergone training at Institute of Management Studies (IMS) in 2012 on Revenue Accounting & Auditing along with colleagues from different regional office in Bhutan, I am more confident to understand how auditing works for various organizations. The training was conducted by the ministry of finance to enhance the capacity building of existing and new recruits in the various departments and equip with technical and intellectual skills required for standard auditing norms.
The training covered on basic aspects of auditing and its implications. Auditing provides assurance on the accuracy of management of funds and its results thereof. The control system will comprise of various aspects depending from organization to its nature of operation. The fundamental of this practice includes policies, procedures and practices in order to promote efficiency of operation, protection of assets, accuracy and reliability of accounting records and compliance with the mission and vision of the organization in achieving its ultimate goal.
Auditing requires three level of control such as Preventive, Detection and Corrective controls to ensure potential exposure to risk. Most of the firm ends with corrective measure of control to overcome what already happened with ignorance on any preventive control measures at the initials. The corrective measure of control is also important but more importantly, proper installation of preventive and detective measures will ensure lesser corrective measures at the end with unnecessary loss for the organization.
Risk management, control and evaluation on regular time interval, adopting standard norms of practice in the organization were also part of training to ensure and build good auditing skills to implement in the organization. It was then followed with discussion on advantages of having proper auditing system which will provide guidance with instruction, eliminate work of repetition and have proper records of all transaction making it easier to have audit and assessment whenever required.

The closing of the training came with awarding of certificate of participation from the Director of Institute of Management Studies.

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